Nichijou Lost Episode

I was a big fan of Nichijou. I've watched the series hundreds of times, and I've bought probably thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, and I own all the manga. All that changed when someone sent me an email while I was trying to find some sexy hentai of mai waifu Hakase.
The email read:
''ey yo wassup mah homie i broke into a warehouse and found an unreleased episode of nichijou i think you'd like it''
I was ecstatic. I'd always wanted more of the Nichijou anime; so I quickly took off my pants, downloaded it, and opened it in VLC Media Player. It started out in Shinonome Laboratories, where Hakase and Nano live. Hakase was eating a roll cake, when someone knocked on the door outside. She remembered she had ordered some more roll cakes, so she ran to the door, opened it, and on the other side of the door, was EVIL PATRIXXX. I was shocked. He looked so hyperrealistic. It was a huge contrast from the rest of the anime. Hakase asked who he was, and he replied "I AM THE GREAT AND MIGHTY EVIL PATRIXXX. I HAVE COME TO POP A CHERRY." and then EVIL PATRIXXX proceeded to f-[SORRY THIS IS CENSORED BECAUSE THIS WIKI DOESN'T LIKE PORN]. Hakase was crying, on the floor, covered in blood and jizz.
I was pissed off.


fucks Hakase and gets away with it, she's my waifu. Nevertheless, I proceeded to continue watching because I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't know how to close a video player. Nano raced into the hallway, she had heard the screams and cries of Hakase. When she saw what had happened, she just keeled over and died. The video then went to static, and it was like that for the rest of the 17 minutes of the episode.
After watching, I was so scared that I ripped off my dick to stop me from jacking off, and burned my house down to get rid of all this Nichijou related stuff. I was not going to associate myself with Nichijou again after seeing what the creators made, but never showed to anyone.